Insurance Brokers Have a Role in Customized Liability Coverage for Electrical Workers


When you work with thousands of electrical volts every day, there’s no question that you need insurance! The only consideration is what types of coverage you should opt for, and how you can be sure that you will be covered properly. The best option is customized liability coverage for electrical workers, which can be tailored for your business and the types of jobs you do.


Electricians face all types of hazards on a regular basis. Electrical shock and electrical burns are the most obvious threats, but there are numerous other dangers for electrical workers, including:

·       Falling from a great height.

·       Exposure to toxic substances such as lead, solvents, solder, and asbestos.

·       Injury from working in confined spaces in awkward positions.

·       Injury from carrying heavy equipment or materials.

·       Working with power tools or dangerous equipment.

·       Slip and fall accidents.

·       Welding dangers such as eye injury from particles, or UV radiation.

·       Exposure to harmful organic materials such as mould, fungi, and infected bird or rodent droppings.

·       Exposure to extreme temperatures.

·       Fire.

·       Electrocution.


Due to the risks involved, many electricians find that their insurance premiums are costly. However, some may be paying for coverage that they don’t require. Although it may seem counter-intuitive, hiring an insurance broker may help to save you money. By assessing what you need and seeking out the providers with the lowest rates, a broker’s services can be cost-effective.


Safety Procedures


Another way in which an insurance broker can benefit your business is in the area of safety protocols. When you put the process in motion for purchasing customized insurance, your broker will begin with a thorough assessment of your business to ascertain exactly what type of insurance is necessary. One component of this assessment is a comprehensive risk analysis done by a safety expert. If you partner with a good brokerage, this safety specialist will be knowledgeable about the latest health and safety legislation and guidelines, as well as about innovations in safety equipment and protocols. The analysis he/she provides will include recommendations about how to avoid or reduce your exposure to risk. By implementation of tighter safety protocols, you can make your business more attractive to potential insurers and help to lower your insurance premiums – as well as keep yourself and your team safer!


Your Customized Insurance Policy


After your broker and his/her colleagues have done a thorough assessment of your business, the brokerage will connect you with an insurer, who will create a policy based on the broker’s observations. This policy will be tailored to your particular situation: the size of your business, the number of employees, their training and experience, the types of jobs you do, the locations you work, and more. Once you commit to this policy, you can rest easy that you have the coverage you need, should you have to use it.


Your broker can be of help in the future, too. For example, if your business circumstances change and you need to expand or contract your coverage, or if you ever need guidance for filing an insurance claim – they will be there to help.


Contact a good insurance broker today, and learn more about customized coverage for electrical workers and how it can benefit your business.

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